Notes on GT_v3.7

I walked up to a “to a scene in Roadhouse’ @shane_shane_meatball_brain energized artists and offended young kids 5 or so with scratched up faces like they had been in a recent prior physical altercation are seen heckling , inticing & asking the semi nude performers for their only fans and associating them with the devil and the art to be satanic worship” One kid with a short metal pole scratching and making noise on the ground intimidating the performers aggressively, his face puffy & bruised , to a beer can being thrown at the performers , that which got thrown back out at the crowd in return, escalating these kids more and some others in the some kid with a hoodie and masked face and long metal pole comes out ready to swing and more it felt . Majority of near by audience including myself were non reactive mediators and protectors abound a performers mother tried to talk these boys down to some other grown men trying to desescalate these kids the long metal pole was surrendered and all these ‘tough’ kids went running when the cops showed up …

The theatre has a permit and
The show merely waded a bit with their appearance but never stopping and returning with a called upon applause and powerful full peak synced outro 🐘

Somewhere inbetween all that I stepped away from being light headed to grounding by a tree realizing it partly due to the music being extra noisy at that particular moment and was overstimmed feeling extra sensoryleft to get water and came back to @meadow.le.elle ‘s calming vocals to freaky cool trippy laughter and @besomethingsoft acknowledging the ancestors ✨✨✨ Music stops , fog machine turns down and art being held up by large sandbags come down 7:02pm
show is over and @crackheadbarneyandfriends has gained a fan / small lost child she discovers upon inquiry and exits center to help them to find their mommy

The commitment and courage from everyone made for a phenomenal multi dimensional portal of free expression and synthesized shadow & light of navigating a uncertain world giving birth to new 🐘🎋✨

-Tail L


Notes on GT_v3.6